In 2009 I was introduced to Help Portrait - a gathering of photographers...
In 2011 I was asked if I would volunteer my time to help out an organization...
In 2016 I heard an ad on the Sound of Life Radio station for Faith House...
When I officially started my business in 2007, I remember praying and asking God to help me find a way to honor Him for the gift He had given me. I'd never gone to school or studied to become a photographer. I don't always learn well with books and tutorials like many do. Trial by error and figuring it out as I go... that's me! Funny, however, that I never really thought of photography as a job. It was always something I enjoyed to do, it was a hobby. But then it struck me that DUH I could make a career out of it, and that is when Jennifer Karon Photography was born. As time went on I continued to love my "job" and as I volunteered for various things, it didn't even occur to me that God had answered my prayer. I was just doing what I thought was right and before I knew it, it became a regular occurrence to help out these worthy causes. I'm so thankful that God connected me the way that He did because the response from people that my pictures have touched has really been such a blessing. I'm honoring Him.